Monday, January 27, 2003

As expected, it was a pretty tiring weekend. Back to work today for a bit of a rest. Took make things better all our systems were down for most of the day, so we couldn’t do any work anyway!

While I was in work Orynthia called to say that her dad has been taken into hospital because of the ongoing problems with his legs. Lets hope that they can have a really good luck into the nature of his problem, so at least we may start to work out a plan for the future.

Because of time constraints, I did not have much of a chance to look around London. The hotel was really nice and the meal in the BT tower was great. The real star of the show though was the amazing view across London. It was a really clear night so we could see for miles and miles. When we had finished the meal, the lights dimmed and then the restaurant started to revolve, it was truly spectacular. After the meal, we went out to a pretty average sort of club for a bit of a dance. Stupidly, when we came back to the hotel just after 1am, I stated drinking coffee. Consequently I hardly had any sleep all night. Still at least that meant I did not have to rush to get back to Paddington for the 10:15 train to Bristol. Orynthia kindly picked me up at the station, I was at home for about an hour then dashed out again to see the Red’s in action. Sadly a very disappointing 1-1 draw, did not really give Steve Vowles the send off that he was wishing for. In the evening the massed ranks all trooped down to The Bell for Steve’s farewell drinking as he leaves for Madrid at the end of the week. Finally got to bed at around 1:30, by now very tired indeed.

Sunday was pretty quiet, popped out to Mat on his 21st and after dropping him back at the hospital we nipped into Sawadee’s for a quick meal. We are just so pleased that this fantastic little restaurant is so close to our house.

I'm off to play football tonight, whilst Orynthia takes her mum into the hospital to see her dad.

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