Monday, January 19, 2004

Had a bit of a mixed bag of a weekend. On Friday we went to see the really rather good American Splendor at The Orpheus. On Saturday I saw Bristol City win their 5th game on the trot, although it has to be said the 4-0 score line did flatter us somewhat. Whilst I was enjoying that Orynthia was with her dad in the hospital. Then on Sunday we travelled down to see my dad in Devon, as he has now returned home from his hospital stay.

Quite a strange day in the shop, time for the annual January clear out. Some stuff being returned, other stuff being marked down. Kept seeing great Jazz albums being reduced and just wanted to buy them all. Still if you like Jazz and still have a record player, why not pop into Imperial Music, Park Street, Bristol and see what takes your fancy.

We are off to see the lovely Camera Obscura on Friday at The Cube, and was delighted to see that their first album has just been re-released, so I picked up a copy of that one straight away!

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